《(HP同人)To Hurt and Heal(英文)》分卷阅读16

    harry frowns he hasn’t let go of drao’s wrist yet there are so many things he doesn’t uand, why drao’s looking like he’s about to pass out any minute, why he’s shing out so muh, and at the bak of his mind, at the very bak of his mind, there is a small voie whispering to him that it almost seems like drao’s…jealous

    “don’t talk about her like that,” he says, as almly as he an to will away the irritan starting to ith under his skin

    drao sneers, and suddenly, harry is hit with a sense of sadness that it’s been suh a long time sine he’s seen drao’s fae ho and open, mouth urved into a smile, eyes shining under the bright, m sun he hates that drao’s so guarded again as if summer never hened as if those banana panakes shared together and walks in the garden didn’t exist

    he hates that he’s still holding on to them, like a lovesik it

    “you’re the one who wanted to talk, potter”

    harry drops his wrist, shaking his head he gres bak, sowling “merlin, malfoy, what’s gotten into you? i just wanted to ask how you’re doing”

    “great splendid now, will that be all?” drao turns away, ready to leave

    “no, malfoy—”

    drao turns his head bak, eyes burning with anger, mouth urled into a snarl as he hisses: “leave me alone go fuk weasley already, if you’re so desperate for a shag—”

    harry sms his fist on the railing the ng of metal rings loudly in the valley, and the bridge shakes with the fore of his fist there is the sound of blood rushing in his ears and he is light-headed with anger, at drao for being suh a dik, and at himself for still being so affeted by him

    there is a look of shok on drao’s fae, as if he hadn’t expeted harry to get so angry like that, but harry doesn’t are anymore if drao wants to be a git, then fine

    he grits his teeth and walks away, before he an do anything else that he might regret ter “i don’t even know why i keep trying i’m done, malfoy i hope you’re hy”

    and he leaves, stomps his way through the bridge and bak to the lok tower ourtyard, hands shaking and heart beating fuusly in his hest

    and behind him, he doesn’t see drao fall to the floor, bury his fae in his hands, and mutter with a sad, shaky ugh:

    “damn it, potter why didn’t you punh me?”

    chapter 2

    drao floats then, from one state of onusness to another one minute he’s there, staring at the wooden floor of the bridge, knowing that he’s doing it, his body’s doing it, his own eyes are doing it, and thehe’s in some haze, like somebody else is staring at the floor and he’s just looking through their eyes and then after that, it goes bk all over, and he doesn’t know how muh time passes until thetime he sees the floor again, but it’s darker now, and in one orner of his mind, it registers that oh, it’s already night time

    there’s a rak in the wood, and a small spider, so small he’s surprised it hasn’t been blown away by the wind yet, slips through it he wonders if he an slip through it, too

    what did he say to potter again? potter was mad it’s been a long time sine he st saw potter that angry he doesn’t like it he never did like it but he ould stand it then, years ago, so why does it hurt so muh now?

    they were talking about something a girl potter’s girl oh weasley

    his vin’s starting to go dim at the edges again

    it’ll be nie, he supposes they’re going to build the hiest family ever

    it hurts

    what did he say to potter again?

    it’s dark darker than azkaban

    azkaban at least had moonlight shining through the bars

    but this is darker, pith-bk, all light bloked by the anopy of trees above he hears the rustle of leaves more than he sees them, and he hears the inessant buzzing of is something howls ahead and drao wonders if this is real or if it’s just in his head again

    he needs to leave he knows he does he always knows but with potter gone, it’s been getting harder and harder to get out of his head he thought he was getting better

    but no, he’s just getting worse, and potter’s angry, and he misses the manor, and the garden, and breakfast, and potter

    there’s another howl that sounds and ehoes around him, and he doesn’t know where he’s going he thinks he’s walking, he’s not sure, but it’s dark here, and potter’s not around

    drao wakes up to the sent of sweat, treale tart, and fresh soap he’s being arried on someone’s bak, and he knows immediately who it is his nose is buried in potter’s hair and he’s not sure if this is real, but he feels like rying

    he thinks he already is

    potter stops, pauses, and drao realizes that they’re still outside the astle it’s still dark, with only the moon and the light from the towers illuminating their steps the wind is still old, and their robes billow in the wind potter’s arrying him, and he’s probably heavy, but potter’s grip under his thighs are firm

    potter says, “i’m sorry i didn’t mean what i said”

    drao’s having a hard time orating he doesn’t uand what potter’s saying

    “i’m not going to stop pestering you, malfoy stop trying to get rid of me”

    the hukle is out of his lips before he an stop it stupid potter stupid, annoying potter who doesn’t know when to give up the little bugger just has to save everyone, even those that don’t deserve it “i’m mad, potter”

