










































    sanderson: what“s your problem? cardwell u drop every one of us yesterday

    james: what’s the big deal?

    sanderson: hey, if u got problem with me, say it to my fae, u piee of trash!

    james: don’t be so sensitive, gary

    sanderson:i warned u, cardwelltime…

    james: i know u don’t like stay in the ar with nelson but don’t take it on me remember, we have a hain of ommand here i an still make u lik the toilet while yr team standingto u


    james: seems like the person u don’t like is here

    nelson: gary! why u still here? u have misns today

    sanderson: fuk the misns i ain’t going no where let lima team takes their hanes there are no **e outside fug woods anyway

    nelson: sir

    james: lieutenant get this razy ass out of my fae

    nelson: hoo-ah ’on, gary

    sanderson: i haven’t done yet!

    nelson: is that it? we have a whole offie an hear yr whining it’s my obligan to stop u from attaking aptain again

    (firing nelson got shot)

    james: resistane! man down! man down!

    sanderson: **e!

    james: get down! solider!


    james: mother **er! they got tanks let’s go!

    sanderson: matt! stay with me!”

    james: he’s gone! let’s go!

    sanderson: no, no! he’s alive! we an’t leave him here!

    james: **!

    someone: we’ve been bombed! we’ve been bombed! get up! get up!

    sanderson: medi! where’s the fuking medi!?

    james: they shot his artery for god sakes!

    sanderson: medi! do something! stop the bleeding!

    james: calm down! solider! give me yr belt! bk! stay away the fug window!

    (explon roof oming down)

    james: every one’s ok? gary? u got hit?

    sanderson: no, i, i m fine…

    james: nelson’s dead! we gotta go!


    james: how’s yr leg?

    sanderson: kinda weird but i’ll live

    james:we need to get into the ommunian room, before they blow up the whole pe where’re yr people?

