《(HP同人)To Hurt and Heal(英文)》分卷阅读20

    astoria smiles at his areful reply, and starts to expin “i mean, i’ve been trying to help him we’ve known eah other sine hildhood, you see our mothers visited eah other a lot narissa told me what hened to him in…” here, she frowns, looking down at her hands sped in front of her with a sad look on her fae, she turns bak to harry “she asked me to help, but tely, it’s been getting worse, i think and i an’t be there for him all the time espeially during sses”

    harry realls that astoria’s in sixth year

    it’s making sense now, then, the amount of time that she and drao have been spending together there’s a part of him that’s hurt, somehow, that narissa hadn’t asked him, whih he desperately tries to squash down, beause of ourse he wouldn’t have been able to help even if narissa had even though he and drao are in the same year, they are still in different houses with different ss shedules, and it’s not like they an very well eat together or spend time after urfew together

    and he is supposed to be hy that drao has other people to talk to and wath over him he is he’s also just a bit…jealous

    they’re in the middle of the meadow now, and the boathouse an be seen in the horizon clouds litter the sky, floating gently with the wind sunlight filters through gaps between them, bathing everything in a magial sort of glow, like a dream

    he looks at astoria, at her big, grey eyes, her long eyeshes, and the way her hair urls against her high heekbones not for the first time, he thinks, wow, she’s pretty

    astoria stops abruptly, turns to him, and says, “but he told me about what you did for him”

    harry srunhes his eyebrows in onfun “what i did?”

    astoria nods “how you tried to help him bak in the summer” pink dusts her heeks, and she shakes her head “i’m sorry, we weren’t gossiping or anything—”

    harry is quik to assure her “oh, no, i didn’t think that”

    again, astoria visibly rexes harry wonders just how nervous she was before oming up to him

    “he atually didn’t want to tell me anything at first i was the one who insisted it helps, you see he likes talking about you” here, she smiles at him, but it looks sad

    he stares at her, unsure of what to make of her words and her expresn

    “it keeps him awake i mean awake awake”

    “i…don’t uand what you’re getting at, astoria”

    “help him please”

    and then it liks why astoria’s sad smile looks so familiar

    he’s seen it on himself

    he blurts out, “you like malfoy, don’t you?”

    as soon as the words are out, he immediately regrets it, beause it’s inropriate, iive, and herne and ginny are both going to kill him when they find out

    but astoria just ughs at his obus horror, and though her heeks are flushed with embarrassment, the sadness on her fae is gone “is it that obus?” she lets out a few more hukles, unable to help herself “but it’s okay i know he already likes somebody else”

    this time, harry manages to stop the “who?” from slipping past his lips he thinks the shok of the pain at knowing that drao likes somebody else helped he doesn’t even know why it still hurts, beause up until a minute ago, he had thought that that somebody else was astoria—

    astoria who has now gone quiet and is looking at him as if she’s trying to figure something out

    “you’re nie, harry i was prepared for you not wanting to talk to me”

    harry frowns at her “why would i do that?” he asks inredulously, but he already knows why

    “beause i’m a slytherin”

    “you did nothing wrong,” he says firmly he thinks of drao, narissa, and severus snape “slytherins are some of the bravest people i know”

    finally, she smiles again, real and genuine, one that reahes her eyes “you’re nie,” she says one more “i think i uand drao a bit more now”

    that night, when dinner has been eaten and students have returned to their respetive dorm rooms, harry rummages through his trunk for the map and the invisibility cloak

    ron throws something at his head

    “hey!” harry exims, gring he grabs the offending objet and is surprised to see that it’s a hoote frog, sitting still and pretty inside its shiny box

    ron throws something at him again

    fast seeker reflexes have him athing it with ease, and he stares at it in bewilderment it’s another hoote frog

    ron looks away, ears red and muttering, “give the other one to malfoy merlin knows he needs more fat under those robes of his”

    harry beams at him

    drao jumps and stands up from his bed when he enters, and harry remembers that oh, right, he’s invisible he takes off the loak, and smiles sheepishly in greeting

    drao stares at him dumbly “i thought you weren’t going to ome”

    harry dumps his loak on the other bed, and rummages through his robe pokets “you told me to ome”

