《(HP同人)To Hurt and Heal(英文)》分卷阅读21

    “i know but you didn’t…have to”

    “i wanted to here, ath” he throws the hoote frog and is not surprised when drao athes it easily he grins “ron told me to give it to you”

    drao is still staring, but now it’s towards the frog “why?”

    “for you to eat it, of ourse” harry resists the urge to roll his eyes he’s starting to think that all of drao’s bravado is just a ploy to hide how truly bashful he is bashful and drao malfoy now that’s something that doesn’t go together “i also swiped some treale tart from the kithen”

    “you what?”

    he takes a miniature, balled piee of loth from his poket, puts it arefully on drao’s desk, and spells it bak to its inal size he unties the knot of the loth, and immediately, a sent of lemon fills the room

    “treale tart it’s my favourite,” he said, rummaging through his poket yet again he produes two forks, and offers one to drao “though you’ve probably already guessed”

    drao eyes the fork suspusly, but he takes it anyway “it’s rather hard to miss”

    “i got some extra for you”

    “extra? you stole a whole tart”

    “stole is a very strong word”

    drao shakes his head in disbelief he’s still staring at harry and the tart like they’re going to jump at him “you and your sweet tooth will one day be the death of you, potter”

    harry grins he missed this—this light, easy banter he pulls up drao’s hair and sits himself down omfortably he likes talking about you, astoria had said he looks at the treale tart, and thinks that it’s time for a story

    “i never had any sweets as a hild the most i’ve eaten was the rumbs of hoote ake i swiped off my ousin’s pte while i was washing it that probably expins why i’m suh a glutton for it now”

    it works the suspn is still on drao’s fae, like he’s w why harry’s suddenly so talkative, but it’s mixed with a sudden usity “is that why you feel the need to bury your fae in hoote frogs after every meal?”

    “exatly you’re athing on”

    “that also expins why everything you wore hung off you when we were first years”

    harry snorts, tearing off a hunk of tart with his fork “anybody whose lothes hang off him now isn’t allowed to talk big” he shoves the tart towards drao’s mouth, fully expeting him to turn away to his surprise, drao takes the fork, leans it free of tart, and gives it bak to harry

    harry doesn’t even bother to hide his grin

    drao rolls his eyes and sits down on the edge of his bed he pulls the pte loser towards him “distrating me with hildhood stories in a bid to make me fat, are you?”

    “eating well-rounded meals in regur intervals in a day isn’t going to make you fat but i do hope that the hildhood stories are w”

    “it is do tell me more about this ousin of yours”

    and it’s just like before time spent together in easy ompany and n it beomes a nightly thing, harry quietly slipping in after dinner and slipping out just before midnight drao asks him to ome bak, every time, whih doesn’t really make a differene beause harry’s still going to ome bak anyway he thinks drao just likes the assurane

    by now, he had fully taken over goyle’s bed as his it’s as messy as his own bed bak in gryffindor tower, sheets rumpled and pillows skewed sideways sometimes, he fets some of his things, a quill here and a merlin ard gotten from a hoote frog box there, and these are the things that oupy the bed when he’s gone

    bak in the summer, it had been breakfasts, and now it’s te night snaks

    he swipes whatever he an from the kithens—sones, hiken pot pie, sandwihes his friends had been very supportive, as well ron ontinues his supply of hoote frogs, ginny gives some bertie bott’s every fvour beans one in a while, and herne provides him a weekly task list, beause “i fully support whatever’s making you hy, harry, but i do hope the two of you aren’t fetting your homework?”

    he thinks he should be embarrassed that his friends know what’s going on between him and drao or that they know that nothing’s going on, but they’re helping anyway and he is embarrassed, but also, he’s just very, very grateful

    drao aepts the hoote frogs every time, and even tries some of ginny’s beans he looks at herne’s task list, and never fails to make totally unneessary omments “you haven’t done your pons essay yet? potter, i’ve finished that days ago”

    the te night snaking works drao doesn’t look like an emaiated orpse now astoria tells him with a heerful smile, when they pass eah other by in the halls, that drao has also been having a good etite in the great hall tely personally, he thinks drao’s starting to beome too addited to the frogs

    they talk about sses, their lessons, and the oanal gossip

    (“what’s this i hear about you and astoria getting it on in the boathouse?”

    “oh my god, malfoy, i didn’t do anything!”

    “that’s not what the hufflepuffs said”

    “i…we…we just talked!”

    “rex i was joking if you really had done something to her, i would have hexed you she’s like a little sister to me”

    well, you’re not an older brother to her, harry had wanted to say, but he had been hy, so shamelessly hy to hear it learly said that drao doesn’t like her that way)

    sometimes, harry talks about himself

    it was unomfortable, at first he isn’t used to talking about himself but drao’s a good listener, all eyes and ears, nodding at the right times, and asking quesns, but never too muh he doesn’t pry, but harry tells him anyway, beause he likes the way drao looks when he’s really uus and ied

    and sometimes, drao talks about himself, and sometimes they’re nie stories about his hildhood, his family, his friends, and sometimes they’re not so nie
